A place I want to visit

A place I want to visit is Zambia in South Africa. My mum lived there for 1 year. A place I specially want to visit is the four corners of Africa when you can stand in four countrys at once I would also like to visit Victoria falls where you can jump into really deep pools from the water from the falls hitting it. The capital of Zambia is Lusaka.

My Holiday

For our holiday we went snow skiing and went for 2 days when the snow was nice and powdery, so we spent the day falling over and getting drenched in wet snow, but I had a really fun time with mum dad and Cohen.

Our dog has puppies 7 of them and they are fox terriers and Olivia and her family came to look at the puppies. They came for tea 2 nights later and decided to get Poppy (one of the puppies) so they will get her when she is old enough.

We started calving early so the rest of the holidays feeding the calves and now we have 170 calves and I have number 15.