
The tight long sleeve wetsuit made me waddle down the dried out mudslide. Each step felt like I was going to to topple over, but I never did. At the bottom of the mudslide we were at a very little beach there were a mixture of rocks, kelp and dried salt everywhere. Our instructor, Jamie , found a black twisted thing-from where the tide had pushed all the kelp and rocks from the sea. We all said the thing was plastic but it was shark egg! We found lots more shark eggs as we went along the little beach. As we Left the beach, we clambered up the rocks along the edge, we had to swim to an island with so many barnacles it felt like sandpaper.We reached a big rock pool that looked like it had lots of chlorine in it because of its colour. We marched one by one up the Rock and got pushed off, I got 10/10 for landing straightest in the water.All wet and dripping with salty water we scramble up rocks and looked down on the salty water and kelp soup we were soon walking across a ledge, backs pushed to the rigid rockwall, then we each take turnsĀ  jumping off another rock, the water is icy cold as we swim towards another island and scramble up and try to avoid the barnacles fromĀ  scraping our hands . We all looked at the mussels and one was the size of my palm.We all again jump off the rock into the washing machine ( water swirling you round like crazy), we climb up the rock while the waves are high and when ourĀ  instructor, Jamie, got up the rockĀ  we all got a choice of jumping off a 11 foot rock or a little rock,I chose the little rock.In a single file line we walked up to another rock only Half a metre, the water was really shallow so we could choose to belly flop off it or walk in, I chose walk-in with Brooke and Neve.We swam up current heading back to the Little Beach, when we climbed up the rock we were walking in ankle deep water we could see the little Beach from there, one last Rock, we could choose to walk back to the beach or swim back, I chose swim back, when I jumped in all I could feel was water and a slimy kelp. Every time I kicked my legs I could feel kelp. When we made it back we all climbed up the mudslide turning dirtĀ  that stuck to us to mud. A tiring climb up we finally made itĀ  took 2 car trips to get our whole group to camp. We got sprayed down with water to clean us and had to ā€œDunk it like you mean itā€ our wetsuits andĀ  PFDs. ( personal flotation device)


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